IEEE Power & Energy Society Summer Meeting - IEEE PES SM 2000, Seattle (Estados Unidos de América). 16-20 julio 2000
The role of the System Operator in the Spanish electricity market, as it started on January 1st 1998, is to determine the technical feasibility of the generation dispatch provided by the Market Operator. The security criteria of the Spanish power system require that branch power flows and bus voltages are within their limits, not only in normal operating conditions but also when any credible contingency occurs. This paper presents an integrated tool for analysis of power system constraints in the Spanish electricity market. The components of this tool are: a power system scenarios builder, contingency analysis routines and preventive dispatch algorithms (active and reactive power). The tool addresses separately the overloadedbranches and the bus voltage violations. The performance of the toolwill be illustrated using an actual scenario of the Spanish power system.
Palabras clave: Load flow analysis, contingency analysis, power system dispatch, security assessment, congestion management, deregulation.
Fecha de publicación: 2000-07-16.
E. Lobato, L. Rouco, M.I. Navarrete, R. Casanova, G. López, J. García Castillejo, An Integrated Tool for Analysis of Power System Constraints in the Spanish Electricity Market, IEEE Power & Energy Society Summer Meeting - IEEE PES SM 2000, Seattle (Estados Unidos de América). 16-20 julio 2000.